Knowing which wrist strengthening exercises can help is crucial when recovering from conditions like wrist tendonitis or carpal tunnel. If left untreated, these conditions can lead to symptoms of pain, stiffness, and frustration. Luckily, all it takes is a little dedication and the right information to get on the right track. Keep reading to learn more about a comprehensive wrist strengthening program.
When managing pain and inflammation of tendonitis in the wrist, treatment options can vary. Not every treatment works for everyone but by starting off with conservative home remedies and working your way up to medical treatment, if necessary, you can reduce the symptoms of wrist tendonitis. Take a look at our list of treatment options to help get you back to work and all the activities you enjoy!
Also known as tenosynovitis, wrist tendonitis pain is the result of the tendons in the forearm that control wrist and hand movement becoming inflamed. These tendons can generally be divided into two categories: the flexors, which bend the wrist, and extensors, which extend the wrist.
Learning how to sit with SI joint pain is one of the most important ways to manage symptoms that results from this condition. When the SI joint is damaged or injured it causes pain that is difficult to relieve and sitting for almost any length of time can make the back pain worse. Luckily we have a variety of tips here to help. Read on to learn more.
Knowing how to sleep with SI joint pain can be a challenge, with common backaches that worsen when lying down. However with a few sleeping modifications, you can learn how to find pain relief and get a good night’s rest. Learn more about how to sleep with SI joint pain below.
Whether it’s strength, flexibility, or the way you move, having an SI joint pain exercise program can make a huge difference. When chosen carefully and practiced regularly, they can help correct imbalances in the pelvis and help the recovery process. Keep reading to learn more about which of these exercises are best for you.