Can the adjustable foot rocker be used for plantar fasciitis?
Yes! The Vive adjustable foot rocker provides a gentle stretch that relieves pain and stiffness due to plantar fasciitis.
Can the Vive foot rocker be used for achilles tendonitis?
Yes, the foot rocker provides a gentle stretch that relieves achilles tendonitis pain.
Can I use the adjustable foot rocker to stretch my legs?
Yes, the adjustable foot rocker allows you to stretch your calf, hamstrings and lower leg as well as your feet.
Does the Vive foot rocker increase flexibility?
Yes, with proper use of the Vive foot rocker, your muscles, ligaments and tendons will become more flexible.
Can I use the foot rocker while sitting?
Yes, for some exercises, you can use the foot rocker while sitting. For certain calf and other leg exercises, you should stand for best results.
Do you get one foot rocker or two?
This is a single adjustable foot rocker. A dual-foot rocker option is available here.
Can I use the Vive foot rocker to stretch both of my feet?
Yes! The Vive foot rocker is designed to be used with either the left or right foot as needed.
Does the foot rocker fit large feet?
Yes! The adjustable foot rocker includes a clip-on extended for use all larger foot sizes from US men’s shoe size 9 and up.
Should I wear shoes when using the foot rocker?
For best results, you should wear shoes when using the foot rocker.
Why is there a gap in the middle of the rocker?
The mid-foot gap in the rocker positions your foot in the proper place to guarantee safe and effective stretching.
Do I need to wear sneakers when using the calf stretcher?
No, the stretcher can be used barefoot or with shoes. We recommend wearing a comfortable sneaker with a flexible sole for support.