Can I wash the trigger finger splint?
Yes, the splint can be hand washed in cold water with a mild detergent. Make sure to air dry completely.
Can I get the trigger finger splint wet?
As the splint can be hand washed, yes, it can get wet. However, the material may feel uncomfortable until it has completely dried out.
Can I use the trigger finger splint on my pinky?
Yes, the splint is adjustable and can be worn on the pinky finger.
How long is the trigger finger splint fastening strap?
The strap is 3.5’ long, which should give you plenty of room to adjust the fit as needed.
How long is the aluminum splint?
The splint is 3” inches long which will stabilize your finger without impeding your palm.
Can I wear the trigger finger splint for long periods of time?
Yes, the splint is comfortable enough to wear throughout the day and night.
Will the trigger finger splint work on my thumb too?
Yes, the finger splint will work on the thumb.
Will the trigger finger splint prevent my knuckle from moving?
The aluminum splint will restrict movement of the knuckle nearest your palm.
What is the trigger finger splint made of?
The splint is constructed from a lightweight and breathable neoprene and nylon fabric. There is an aluminum splint inserted in the brace.
Is the trigger finger splint have latex in it?
No, there is no latex in the splint.
Can anyone wear the trigger finger splint?
Yes, the splint will fit any finger up to 3.5” in circumference.
I have small fingers. Will the trigger finger splint fit me?
Yes, the adjustable splint will fit most fingers up to 3.5” in circumference.
Can I wear the trigger finger splint on either hand?
Yes, the splint will fit any finger on either hand.
Can I wear the trigger finger splint while working at my computer?
Yes, the splint will limit the movement of the finger that it is on but should not limit movement of the rest of your hand.
Can I wear the trigger finger splint during the day while I am active?
Yes, the splint will stay in place without slipping or bunching even when you are active.
Will the trigger finger splint help relieve pain from locked tendons?
Yes, the splint will stabilizes your finger, reduces stiffness, and prevents tendon lock up to provide effective pain relief.