my first five grabber came after my knee replacement surgery. That was 25 or so years ago. I use it nearly every day whether it’s picking something up that I dropped that I missed in my toss to the wastepaper basket, or retrieve off the top shelf of my kitchen cupboards. It is the handiest device to have in any home several years ago I asked, the mayor of the city that I was working in in Massachusetts to put in a good word for my organization looking for a grant request. I knew that he had been using a grabber to clean up the main street sidewalk near his office. I told him if he , the grantor that I would do the cleanup the next week he did get me the money, and I in return, cleaned the sidewalk and gutter area on both sides of that city block. I filled two trash bags to the brim with everything from cigarette butts, which the vibe grabber easily picked up to a small sock trash of all sorts newspapers, and just city debris. Things that you wouldn’t want your hands to touch easy to pick up easy to put into a plastic bag I filled two of them. I can’t say enough for this tool I have taken glass off of top shelves of the kitchen cupboard. Sometimes it’s a little risky. I will admit and best if you leave the cover off so that you can get into one side into the jar and the other on the outside of the jar. And yes, you can wash this and grab her successfully. It’s handy for reaching shoes that got kicked under the bed trash on the floor for trash outside for anything that needs to be picked up when either you are too debilitated or tired to bend down to pick it up ,