There are lots of reasons why people travel. Whether you’re on vacation, traveling for work, or even retired, it’s important to prioritize your health.
Get ready for the best broken ankle recovery tips! A broken ankle takes weeks if not months to recover. After you’ve seen your doctor and developed a recovery plan, it will be up to you to follow through on treatment to fully recover from your ankle fracture. Keep scrolling for 11 of the most helpful tips for recovering from a broken ankle.
If you have a fractured ankle, these exercises for a broken ankle are the perfect place to start (once your doctor has given the all clear). Chances are you’ve been resting in a walking boot or cast for up to 6 weeks and you will find your ankle feeling stiff, sore and weak. Knowing where to start and how to progress can help you get on track to recovery as soon as possible. Keep scrolling for the best exercises for a broken ankle.
If you broke a bone in your ankle- the fibula, tibia, or talus- you’re likely in a boot or cast to allow the fracture to heal. Once cleared by your doctor, physical therapy for a broken ankle is a great way to boost your recovery. Your ankle will be stiff, sore, and weak but, after a necessary rest period, physical therapy can help. Here’s what to expect from a round of physical therapy for an ankle fracture.
You know you’ve injured your ankle. It’s swollen, bruising, and hurts when you put weight on it. Is it broken or an ankle sprain? The symptoms are very similar, making it hard to know the difference, so we break down a broken vs. sprained ankle here for you; because knowing which ankle injury you have will determine the best course of treatment.
A broken or fractured ankle is one of the most common lower leg injuries. A broken ankle is defined as at least one broken bone in the ankle joint. If you think you’ve broken your ankle, the very first thing you need to do is to call your doctor. After your doctor visit, you’ll be in charge of your follow-up treatment and recovery. Keep scrolling to learn what to expect from a fractured ankle treatment plan.
Shoulder instability is a result of laxity of connective tissues within the shoulder. This can include the shoulder joint itself (glenohumeral joint), shoulder blade (scapula), and/or collar bone (clavicle).
When dealing with a swollen knee, treatment should target the source of swelling. Knee effusion occurs as a result of various underlying reasons that could be contributing to your swollen knee.
A dislocated thumb most often occurs when one of the local joints sustains a high impact and/or is hyperextended beyond its limits. The most common causes are from participating in sports like basketball and volleyball.